Dear Patients,

Welcome to the online home of Medical Practice Dr. Christine Sharma, centrally located in Berlin Schöneberg-Tempelhof. Thank you for visiting!
We look forward to welcoming patients of all ages and in all life-situations. Our commitment to you is human warmth, professional competence and individual gynaecology and obstetric care.
We offer you a friendly team in a well-equipped Medical Practice. Our aim is to respond to your individual needs and to provide you with treatments and therapies tailored to them, putting you at the centre of attention.
When possible, we ask all patients to book an appointment to ensure we have enough time together.

We are looking forward to seeing you.

Dr. med. Christine Sharma


Praxis Dr. Sharma
Bülowstrasse 23
10783 Berlin


+49  (0)30 – 2 16 13 14
Fax: +49 (0)30 – 2 11 70 08

Opening Hours (During school holidays opening hours may vary)

**Appointments outside of opening hours are possible by prior arrangement**

Monday:           9:00hr – 13:00hr, 14:00hr – 18:00hr
Tuesday:           9:00hr – 14:00hr
Wednesday:     9:00hr – 18:00hr
Thursday:         9:00hr – 13:00hr, 14:00hr – 18:00hr
Friday:              9:00hr – 13:00hr

Opening Hours – Berlin Easter Holidays

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Notice to prospective new patients (October 2024)

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We view pregnancy as journey to be shared within a family and we look to accompany you and your family through this journey.

Cancer screening

Cancer screening at our clinic includes:
Collection of cervical cells by smear (PAP test)
Palpation of the abdomen
Anomalies in the external genital area, uterus and ovaries

Examination of the breast and breast ultrasound

Ultrasound is used for the clarification of unclear findings during palpations or mammography findings.

Hormonal Diagnostic and Treatment

Our approach to hormonal imbalance is to discuss, diagnose, test and treat to ensure a healthy hormonal balance.
Girls Clinic (recommended from the age of nine)
When reaching puberty, everything can change very quickly.

Sexual medicine

Sexual medicine deals with all aspects that serve to maintain and promote sexual health.

Psychosomatic care

Differential diagnosis of psychosomatic illness
Assessment of psychosocial factors in physical disease
Patient-centered advice and care on psychosomatic illnesses

Contraception and family planning

Our approach is to discuss your family planning and life goals and to offer you detailed advice, administration and prescriptions.

Minor Surgery

We carry out small outpatient procedures in the day clinic "Unter den Eichen".

Consultations for and delivery of vaccinations against cervical cancer, travel vaccinations, flu, recurrent cystitis and vaginal yeast infections

Gynecological infections and sexually transmitted diseases (STIs)

Our approach to gynaecological infections and STDs is to offer you diagnosis and consultation (including advice for protection).

